The California Senate yesterday passed SB 579 (Allen, D-Santa Monica), a bill to provide “hold harmless” funding protections for schools during the current and upcoming school year.
o help California schools cope with unprecedented staffing shortages related to the COVID-19 pandemic, on January 10, 2022, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-3-22 to provide temporary staffing flexibility to impacted schools.
Governor Newsom outlined his proposed 2022-23 state budget this morning during a lengthy press conference, including a large cost-of-living adjustment ...
Last summer, AB 130 expanded requirements for Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) once again. These changes included a significant one-time requirement for a mid-year report.
CSDC encourages charter school administrators and other partners to complete the statewide survey about their use of Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) by December 13.