CSDC offers an extensive online library of charter school resources, guides, templates, and tools. The library is searchable by topics including accountability, operations, governance, legislation, and more. Some resources are gathered into specific collections. Learn more about these collections below.
Some resources are grouped into collections. Learn more and go to specific collections below:
An exclusive resource for CSDC Member Schools. Contains over 200 critical dates with CSDC's commentary and guidance.
ViewBoard Bulletins highlight topics of interest to California charter school board members.
ViewTimely, in-depth updates on the latest fiscal and policy developments affecting California charter schools. Get the latest funding projections and practical advice from CSDC’s plugged-in charter experts.
ViewProvides a quick synopsis of impactful areas of governance for busy charter school board members and leaders.
ViewCSDC's coverage of the latest developments from the State Capitol in Sacramento.
ViewA repository of the policies California charter schools are required to adopt (or otherwise recommended to have in place). CSDC’s team of charter experts created these policies so that California charter school leaders would have a starting point for the policy drafting and adoption process.
ViewRecordings of webinars recently hosted by CSDC's team of experts.
ViewA searchable directory of companies that provide products and services to the California charter school sector.
ViewA posting service used by educators and administrators seeking employment opportunities with California charter schools, charter authorizers, and charter vendors.
ViewStay up to date with the latest legislative changes in Sacramento.